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Showing posts from September, 2017

Thumbs Up!

The day has come. Our last project defense has happened. It was a successful one. We were a bit nervous but we're still able to present our design since we worked hard doing it. There are some questions that the panel asked. They gave us suggestions and sort of clarifications. There were also some changes and revisions to our documentation for further improvement. It is good that our adviser, Engr. Hate, was there during our defense to give us support and to help communicate with the panel. After we presented, we had a short discussion regarding the changes and clarifications with our project. All in all, it's a job well done.

The Day Before Tomorrow

Defense Day is coming.   We are not yet done with our paper and presentation. It's time to double our effort to finish our chapters one to four. So, we decided to make our last 48 hours to be productive. We divided our tasks and edit the paper at the same time. Thanks to the "Share" feature of Microsoft Word that enables us to make changes on our document while everyone is using it. It's a great help. We are able to finish our paper and our presentation. We can say that all things can be achieve if you have unity, power and cooperation. We are hoping for a successful project defense tomorrow and may God bless us all.

Busy Friday

Since there were no classes last September 21, we took it as an opportunity to continue making our project documentation. We revised our document and applied the changes our adviser told us. We are still on the process of making our paper to make it to our defense day. In everything we do, we make sure that we are properly guided. Additional changes were instructed. There are some revisions on designs and constraints for the project to be more realistic and feasible.

Quick Talk

  We had a short conversation with our adviser, Engr. Cris Paulo Hate, to check our initial documentation. He gave us pieces of advice regarding our paper. He also gave us tips on what things to include on our pitch and powerpoint presentation. Having communication with your adviser is a great thing to have for you to know if you are still on the right track and we are very grateful for having a supportive mentor.

Meeting with Our Department Chair

Engr. Ma. Cecilia A. Venal, our department chair, called for a meeting and discussed about the documentation for the project design. She gave us the do's and don'ts on writing each chapter. She also cited some examples of what are the common mistakes of their past students for us to avoid doing it again.

Title Defense : Design of Self-Sustained Data Acquisition and Prediction system for Freshwater Aquaculture

P reparing for the title defense is not that easy, we still prepare while waiting for our turn. Our team is 11th in line so we have still have time to study every single detail. We make sure that our presentation is clear to reach our goal. We're nervous but we won't give up. That is our motto on that day. With the grace of God, it was a successful defense. Our team passed the defense and went home with a victorious smile.

Preparation for Title Defense

Our adviser calls for a meeting to discuss the project design's title, he gave us tips on how to create a good slide show presentation, and tips on pitching the project. The discussion went well as key issues and possible loopholes of the project are addressed critically. The team hopes to apply the learning from this call .